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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another Organic Giveaway!

Awesome! I just found a new blog to follow and it is right up my organic alley! I have only read one post and I already learned I am not as organic as I thought. Damn it! ;) I definetely do good, but I can do better, especially since my goal is to prevent getting breast cancer and/or melanoma (well any cancer really, but I am most likely going to get one of these if I get cancer). I will discuss my cancer fears later.

Right now I am here to tell you about this blog www.greenandcrunchy.org and the awesome giveaway they are hosting with Organicology! Ever wonder about switching to organic soaps, make-up etc? Think you already are switched (this is my category)? Go on over to Green & Crunchy. Read her post and then enter to win one of 50 (that's right 50!) sample packs or organic skincare. I am all over this!

http://organicology.mionegroup.com/en/home and http://www.greenandcrunchy.org/2010/05/guest-post-and-giveaway-from-organicology-50-winners-yes-50/

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I am terrified of colon cancer and melanoma myself. Fear can be healthy sometimes if it helps us to learn things! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. My husband just found out in October that he has celiac and my grandmother has it too. Needless to say, I am extremely worried about my kids. My youngest had the blood test come back negative, but really I question it. I hope your kids feel better soon.
