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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer vacation

I took the summer off from blogging. Probably not one of my better ideas since I was just starting this blog ;) Oh well. I needed the time. I am back now and I have a plan! A focus! Stay tuned and I will be sure to fill you in, but today I want to tell you what I have been up to.

I decided to take a break because I added kids for the summer. A friend needed help during school vacation so I stepped up to the plate. 6 kids 3 days a week. Whew. I am tired! I love these extra kiddos, but taking care of someone else's kid is always more tiring. I have no idea why, but that is just how it is.

Summers are great because hubby has more time off. His 12-16 hr work days suddenly become 8 hour work days and his one day off a week morphs into a normal 2 day weekend! It is bliss! It seems I can't get enough of this treasured family time. We hike, picnic, and laze about. We enjoy eachother and relish the brief moment in time that we have. Summers are for savoring.

We took a trip to Florida this year. We blew off the obligatory trip to visit the grandparents in MA and NY. I figure that we are always going to them so for once we can take a normal vacation and they can come to us if they so wish. We stayed with my cousin and her family for part of the trip and with my brother-in-law and his partner for the other half. Why on earth had we not taken advantage of having family in FL before???? It was a dream vacation. The only solid plan was a trip to Sea World (I will blog about that trip at a later date). We enjoyed the ocean and my kids learned to fish. It was perfection. In fact, it was so perfect we plan on going back winter 2011!

Well, summer is over. The 2 extra kiddos are starting school and I can now concentate on moving!

We are moving into a townhouse-style apartment 15 minutes down the road. We will be closer to everything (except hubby's job), which means less car time and more walking! We will also have outdoor space! We haven't had that in the 2 years we have lived in Missouri! Granted it isn't a house, but I am thrilled with the move.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another Organic Giveaway!

Awesome! I just found a new blog to follow and it is right up my organic alley! I have only read one post and I already learned I am not as organic as I thought. Damn it! ;) I definetely do good, but I can do better, especially since my goal is to prevent getting breast cancer and/or melanoma (well any cancer really, but I am most likely going to get one of these if I get cancer). I will discuss my cancer fears later.

Right now I am here to tell you about this blog www.greenandcrunchy.org and the awesome giveaway they are hosting with Organicology! Ever wonder about switching to organic soaps, make-up etc? Think you already are switched (this is my category)? Go on over to Green & Crunchy. Read her post and then enter to win one of 50 (that's right 50!) sample packs or organic skincare. I am all over this!

http://organicology.mionegroup.com/en/home and http://www.greenandcrunchy.org/2010/05/guest-post-and-giveaway-from-organicology-50-winners-yes-50/

Monday, April 26, 2010

Serious amounts of updates!

So about a week ago my son spilled water all over my laptop. I was helpless as I struggled with internet withdrawal. My phone helped me through (It is fairly smart). It took about 4 days for my beloved laptop to dry out and I needed to feed my addiction. I caught up on facebook and email (I have 2 email accts, so I had several hundred messages).

Knowing my blog desperately needed updating I had so many other things to get accomplished first. I am now kind of-sort of caught up so my blog can get the loving attention it deserves.

Over the last 2 weeks I have learned of several pregnancies within my inner circle, including 2 cousins! Babies are another addction of mine. So many happy congrats are going out to all of you (you know who you are). I have 2 dear friends who found jobs. I don't think there is anyone in the world more deserving than these two women. I am so proud of them.

Silver Dollar City (the amusement park in Branson, MO) hosts Scout Days every year. My oldest is a Cub Scout so this is our second year going. It is also the second year it rained :P Not cool. My son says it is cursed. I may have to agree with this. While heading toward the flying butterflies my 3 yr old daughter fell. She immediately developed a lump on her head. I went tearing through the park toward the concession area in order to get ice. I was wearing the baby and she didn't appreciate the bouncing, but she is zen so she dealt with it like a champ. After pushing people out of my way (I got lots of nasty looks, but my daughter was hurt) I got the ice and first aid was called. One of the park's EMTs checked to make sure she was ok, gave her an ice pack and free ice cream, and declared her ok enough to ride the butterflies. She can't eat ice cream because she has a dairy allergy so the boys shared that treat and we bought her cotten candy instead. She will heal, but the drama of it all nearly sent me over the edge. My boys have had plenty of falls and bruises, but they are boys. They are rough and tumbly. My daughter is tiny and pink. I know pink is a color, but I swear it describes her personaliy perfectly. She can be rough, but she is also dainty and now her poor head has a lump :( Heal fst babycakes.

I think that is a good summery of the most important things that have happened since my last blog.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I beleive in feminism, but...

I will probably piss someone off, but here it goes. I like being a housewife. *GASP* It is true. I like making my own household cleaner and hanging fluff up to dry. I like cleaning while wearing an apron and I love homeschooling (this part surprises me). I have no desire to work outside the home.

I consider this feminism. WHAT??? Yup. I have made this choice. It wasn't forced on me. Nor was it expected. My husband doesn't expect me to be a housewife. He is supportive of my decision and I bet he likes I am at home, but when I worked he was just as supportive. I do not judge the moms who love working. I do not judge the women who do not want kids. I may not understand their feelings/decisions, but that is the beauty of being woman. We are all so vastly different and we now live in an age where we can follow our hearts and not live a life that is "expected" of us.

We need to stop the judging and instead embrace all that is woman. Do not judge me because I homeschool and breastfeed in public. Do not judge my friend who works full time and sends her child to daycare. Do not judge my friend who does not ever want her own children. She is happy being an aunt. Instead let us fight for our rights together. It doesn't matter if we are fighting for equal pay or breastfeedng support. We need eachother.

We are firey and diverse and beautiful. Embracing this has made a huge difference already so why stop now? We need to support one another even when we don't live the same lifestyle.

Why am I writing this? Because I know in the future someone will get pissed off, or offended, or flooded with guilt because I am writig about my life or because I post something I believe in. I just want you to know I do not judge you and I firmly believe we need to drop the guilt and live the best life possible. We need to unite and support.
That is my firm opinion.

Love and peace

Monday, April 12, 2010

Once again I have surrendered to the goat...

Only this time the goat's name is Twitter. Yup, I can now Tweet (if I so choose). It all sarted when Sesame Place decided to use Twitter and decided that in orer to spread word they were going to have a contest. Follow them on Twitter and get entered to win 2 season passes. Bah. All the good contest are for people on Twitter. Long story short, I surrendered. So, if you have a Twitter cct I am @organicmommaof4.

Oh, and don't forget, my faithful 6, to suggests names for my blog. I will announce the name this Friday-ish(April 16).

Love and peace.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Thus far I have a whopping 3 followers. I, however, am not discouraged since I just started blogging and I am just now writing my third entry. So I thought to myself, "I have 3 folowers! It is time for a contest!"

When I started my blog I wasan't sure what I wanted the title to be so I just named it after my first entery. I knew this was temporary and that I would change it soon. Well, I decided YOU are going to change it for me! Comment on this post and tell me your suggestions! Offer as many as you wish. Be sure you tell your friends about my blog so that they can offer suggestions also.

I bet you are wondering what the prize will be. Well, it is the deep satisfaction in knowing you 1) named my blog 2) have inflence over my decision making and 3) have my unending gratitude. Totally worth it, right? :)

I bet you are also wondering what my blog will be about. Well, I am a bit ecclectic and I am thinkning my blog will be also. I will share organic/green tips, stories from my life, homeschooling info, Celiac and allergy-friendly recipes, sensory processing disorder (SPD), and just about anything else that happens to tickle my fancy.

So have fun with it. All suggestions are due by April 16!

Monday, March 29, 2010


I follow the blog and am a fan of "Deal"lectible Mommies. Recently she blogged about a new product, Kimochi. They are basicaly toys that teach your child emotions. I say check it out at http://www.kimochis.com.

My first reaction, before going to their website, was "You have GOT to be kidding me. Are these people completely incapable as parents to teach their children emotions?"

Well, I decided to check out their website anyway. I am so glad I did. I looked up each character and fell in love with Cloud and all he could potentially offer. See, my eldest child, Mister Smartypants (said lovingly NOT insultingly because he really is super smart), has an anxiety disorder. We won't get into messy and personal details but I can see this as a great supplement to his OT (occupational therapy). So I take back my first reaction. I now believe these toys are brilliant and helpful.

Despite being fairly reaonable, I am not so sure I am willing to spend the money though. I am cheap. Plain and simple. So I am hoping to win the giveaway contest that "Deal"ectible Mommies is holding.

Wish me luck! (and make sure you check out Kimochis and "Deal"ectible Mommies in order to enter the contest!)

I have surrendered to the goat

A number of years ago I read an article. The basic idea was a mom went to a zoo with her toddler and he wanted to spend the entire day visiting the goats. "Do you want to go see the monkeys?" "No." "Do you want to go see the elephants?" "No." The mom finally realized it wasn't worth seeing all the other animals if it meant having a screaming toddler. The goats made her son happy so why not stay put? You can make it into a learning experience. "Did you know we can drink goat milk just like we drink cow milk?" You get the point. Anyway, in her words she "surrendered to the goat."

That phrase has become a sort of mommy mantra for me. Even hubby has been known to say it. I may be reading the same book for the 100th time to my darling toddler but I always say "surrender to the goat." It has an odd calming effect on me and reminds me I am doing *insert activity here* for the well being of my children. It is also great at restoring my overall sanity and if you are a parent you know sanity is a rare commodity.

So now I am doing it again. I am surrendering to the goat. This time the goat isn't my children and their current passion. The goat is my friends. I have been told many, many, MANY times I should blog (apparently my life is fascinating although I prefer the term mundane). I have refused to set up a blog because I know myself. I will do great for several days. Maybe even several weeks and then my poor little blog will be forgotten. It won't be completely forgotten, of course. My mom will ask when I will update it and I will often be heard saying "I really need to write a blog entry." Heck, I may even have a friend write on my FB wall that I need to update my blog.

I know this is true because my shutterfly account is still waiting for the updated pictures of my kids. Sorry mom, dad and in-laws, I promise to get those pictures up. I just don't promise when since I am now blogging ;)